Thursday 22 May 2014

Digital TV Subscriber and STB Shipment Market 2018 - Volume and Value Breakdowns by Product Mix Analyzed

Market Intelligence - Set Top Box & Digital TV Market Subscriber Forecast 2018

This report presents worldwide digital TV STB market shipment volume and value per year for the period 2014-2018, with volume and value breakdowns by product mix. Also included are forecasts of worldwide digital TV subscriber base and share by system technology per year for the period 2014 – 2018. 

The report finds that subscriber base of digital TV services – consisting of IP, cable, satellite, and terrestrial TV – are expected to grow steadily during the period 2014 – 2018. 

It is forecast that digital TV subscriber base will have a CAGR of 6% during the period 2014 – 2018. Worldwide digital TV STB shipment volume is expected to still achieve around 10.2% year-on-year growth in 2014. 

However, as most digital switchover process around the world is heading toward the end in 2014, digital satellite STB shipment volume and value is anticipated to decline, beginning in 2015 and continuing through 2018. 

In 2014, it is forecast that shipment volume of global digital cable TV STBs will overtake digital satellite TV STBs with the lion’s market share of 29.5%, followed by digital satellite TV STBs, terrestrial TV STBs, IPTV STBs, and OTT (Over The Top) STBs.